Equitable Pay


Equitable Pay Structure


We Believe in Taking Care of our Employees

By having a consistent service fee of 15%, it allows us to provide raises and benefits, including sick leave. We want to be a place that creates sustainable and dependable wages, without relying on a tipping basis for an employees budget. We made a decision to eliminate tipping, this decision was made in consultation with our employees.

Tidal Boar Foods has amazing customers

We know that our patrons are generous, they want to take care of our employees. The way our food industry has set up showing appreciation is through tipping. Tipping is a problem in the industry and culture as a whole.


Tipping began as a result of the abolishment of slavery, allowing owners of establishments to pay people of color and women through tipping only or through minimal wage. This practice led to the nation as a whole lowering its minimum wage for servers to utilize tipping credits.

Sustainability through Anti-Racist practices

Oregon is one of 13 states that does not allow for Tip credits to compensate for wages, as a result, we are choosing to shift our pay model. We do not want to support an antiquated practice that is ultimately designed as a way to create a two tiered work force.

On average customers tip white servers more than they tip Black servers. These issues result in a $4.79 national race and gender wage gap between Black women and white men tipped restaurant workers.
— One Fair Wage 2022 National Report